

Here is our collection of the best handmade jugs, vases and vessels for displaying your bunches, whether they’re gathered from the garden, a bouquet gift, or a cellophane wrapped bunch straight from the petrol station. Put them in the right vessel and they’ll cheer up your space no end.

Glass menagerie: leftover jam jars, bottles and tea-light holder plant pots (plus a Tangerine Orange Cushion)

Glass menagerie: leftover jam jars, bottles and tea-light holder plant pots (plus a Tangerine Orange Cushion)

We are family: Terracotta Jug and Pourer

We are family: Terracotta Jug and Pourer



Large Handblown Glass Cylinder

Large Handblown Glass Cylinder

A nice looking bottle

A nice looking bottle

Handblown Glass Jug

Handblown Glass Jug

Little and Large: ‘Misty Morning’ Vases

Little and Large: ‘Misty Morning’ Vases